An Eternal Rest & Promised Land

Is the Sabbath the rest that's blessed
Is the Promised Land what is best
No, none of them is our true rest
Another day remains our quest

Moses did not give Israel rest
Though they kept Sabbath, no contest
Joshua also gave no rest
Though the Promised Land they possessed

So Sabbath and land gave no rest
An eternal land is the quest
With diligence enter that rest
Draw near to God; keep what's confessed

Hebrews 3 & 4

I Feel Sorry for the Snob

I feel so sorry for the snob
Who thinks he's the best of the mob
When the best's often quite unseen
Someone that he might just demean

First there's the intellectual snob
Whose arrogance himself does rob
He's blinded by ability
And lacking in humility

And then there is the wealthy snob
Who lives at ease while others sob
A life with fake friends who will leave
If he goes broke; he's so naive

And last there is the status snob
Who can't see past the world's snow job
Royalty and Hollywood fake
Are roads to personal heartache

Humility is the best way
For we'll all face the judgment day
Just like the grass we'll soon be gone
And snobbery is just a con

You Speak to Me

You speak to me Through ev'ry tree
And blade of grass That I can see
For who You are Shouts ev'ry star
Your hand does pass Both near and far

Even the bird Lives by Your word
And Your Spirit My conscience stirred
As I permit Your Holy Writ
I must admit You speak through it