
Certain Jews with seniority
Asked about Christ’s authority
He said, I have a question then
Was John sent by heaven or men?
Because of public opinion
They would not answer the question
And as they refuse to comment
He won’t tell of His endorsement
A farmer asked his sons to work
The first said nah-yeah with a jerk
The second said yeah-nah to him
Each changing his mind on a whim
Which one did as his father asked
The one who obeyed at the last
Tax collectors and harlots do
The will of God long before you
Matthew 21:23-32


The kingdom’s like a landowner
Hiring help as a grape grower
The contract, a penny a day
All day or part for the same pay
But those who worked all day complained
So then the landowner explained
That’s the contract and you agreed
To be generous is my creed
Take what’s yours and be on your way
Don’t begrudge their bountiful pay
Don’t envy what I give away
The last will be first in that day

Matthew 20:1-16


Peter asked, Seven times forgive?
Seventy fold's the way to live
Therefore the kingdom’s like a king
Whose servant’s accounts was settling
One owed him ten thousand talents
But he forgave him the balance
Then that servant was merciless
To a debtor he caused distress
The king said, You wicked servant
Unforgiving, not observant
I forgave you; you should forgive
In debtor’s prison you will live
So will My Father do to you
If you refuse forgiveness due

Go Alone

If your brother sins against you
Go tell him his fault just you two
If that fails, take one or two more
So you have witnesses galore

Tell the church, if he won’t hear them
If he won’t hear them, he’s heathen
What you bind and loose on the earth
Was bound and loosed from heaven’s girth

If we learn to agree as men
God will answer our prayers, amen
When we are obeying His Word
He’ll join us because we have heard