
Jesus was led by the Spirit
To the dry wilderness limit
By the devil He was tempted
Forty days food was rejected

Afterwards he was quite hungry
The tempter came to that country
If you’re really the Son of God
Tell these stones to become your bread.

Jesus answered, It is written
Just bread alone is not living,
Live on every word spread abroad
Coming forth from the mouth of God.

The devil said on the temple,
If you’re God’s Son take a tumble.
For, His angels have this command
They will lift you up in their hands

You won’t strike your foot on a stone.
Jesus said He wouldn’t condone
To put the Lord God to the test
So the devil tried his last quest

He took him up to the mountains
To show Him all the world’s kingdoms
All this I will give you, he said
If you’ll worship me as your god-head

But Jesus said, Leave me, Satan!
Worship the Lord God, it’s written
Serve only him. The devil fled
And angels made sure He was fed

Matthew 4:1-11

A Taste of Eternity

Jesus took Peter, James and John
And led them up a mountain yon
There he was transformed before them
And His face shone just like the sun

And his clothes became as white as light
Moses and Elijah in sight
Peter said I’ll build some shelters
For you and each of the elders

As he spoke, a cloud covered them
And a voice said, “This is my Son
I’m well pleased with Him my loved One
So keep on listening to Him!”

Then they fell face down, terrified
But Jesus touched them and replied
“Get up,” He said. “Don’t be afraid.”
And Jesus stood alone unswayed

While coming down the mountain
Jesus gave them this instruction
“The news of these things, do not spread
Until the Son’s raised from the dead.”

Matthew 17:1-9

Murder, Adultery, Lying Oaths

You’ve heard it said, You shall not kill
But I tell you don’t bear ill will
Angry, shouting verbal abuse
Using insults there’s no excuse

If while giving your offering
Mindful your brother has something
Against you, leave your gift and go
First be reconciled with your foe
Best settled quickly out of court
Than thrown in jail for a fake tort

So, Don’t commit adultery
And I say don’t look lustfully
If your right eye looks, gouge it out
If your right hand rubs do without
Better a body part expel
Than your whole body go to hell

Give the wife a divorce decree
Except for immorality
She’s victim of adultery
And don’t marry a divorcee

You’ve heard it said, Don’t break your oath
But to the Lord fulfill your troth
But I tell you, don’t swear at all
By heaven, or earth, His footstool

Or by Jerusalem city
Or by your head black or snowy
All you need is say, ‘Yes’ or ‘No’
All else is evil don’t you know

Matthew 5:21-37

Jesus and the Law

You all are the salt of the earth
But if the salt has lost its worth
Can you make it salty again?
No, it will just be ditched by men

You all are light the world to fill
You can’t hide a town on a hill
Nor hide lamps under basket domes
Lamps are meant to light up our homes

Let good deeds shine for all to see
They’ll praise your Father heavenly
The law or prophets, I’ll not kill
No, I came the law to fulfill

Till heaven and earth pass away
The law’s smallest details will stay
So don’t annul the least command
Teaching the same to those at hand

You’ll be the least in the Kingdom
So obey God’s laws and teach them
You’ll be great in the Kingdom

Unless your righteousness exceeds
That of the scribes and Pharisees
You’ll never be there guaranteed!

Matthew 5:13-20