Jesus and the Law

You all are the salt of the earth
But if the salt has lost its worth
Can you make it salty again?
No, it will just be ditched by men

You all are light the world to fill
You can’t hide a town on a hill
Nor hide lamps under basket domes
Lamps are meant to light up our homes

Let good deeds shine for all to see
They’ll praise your Father heavenly
The law or prophets, I’ll not kill
No, I came the law to fulfill

Till heaven and earth pass away
The law’s smallest details will stay
So don’t annul the least command
Teaching the same to those at hand

You’ll be the least in the Kingdom
So obey God’s laws and teach them
You’ll be great in the Kingdom

Unless your righteousness exceeds
That of the scribes and Pharisees
You’ll never be there guaranteed!

Matthew 5:13-20