Like predatory beasts that marr
In politics and industry
There's fraud and deception we see
Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome
Daniel described as beasts that roam
Chasing money and its allure
Where we'll all sing a happy tune
Poetry by Ian Grant Spong
Painful days past, more than a year
At rest at last, nothing to fear
I was downcast, then God came near
By men outcast, but God was here
Hated by men, slandered and lied
Time and again, honor denied
Remember when, God then replied
You too sinned then, and with much pride
Their sin was bad, and you were hurt
But I'm so glad, to reassert
In my notepad, your name insert
When you are clad, with grace not dirt
Rejected by church and family
Unwanted, ignored
At least it wasn't for blasphemy
I'm loved by our Lord
Thankful for a few friends who love me
No longer ignored
I'm freed from narrow theology
Free thinking restored
A Judas had stabbed me in the back
Hate is expected
This was a really viscious attack
Yes I'm rejected
The people love to hear smooth things preached
They don't want God's Word
But truth will come and they will be reached
Though lies they preferred
Rejected by family and friends
And selfishness which never ends
Even in church I thought I'd find
True friendship as God has designed
I found friends and a Judas too
A slanderer in the church pew
And others striving for power
In their own ivory tower
Some with their own theology
Claiming it's all mythology
But Jesus warned it would be so
A mix of wheat and tares, you know
So, life seems to be a battle
Many foes their sabers rattle
It's a fight to the very end
In the end we'll all comprehend
If you've repented as you should
And you have faith that God is good
Then blessings await all your life
And after that the afterlife
God is with you in all you do
God is He who has fought for you
God is Spirit; God is faithful
God is gracious and merciful
God is our refuge and our strength
He has decided our life's length
God gives us an inheritance
Let us praise His name with the dance