Putting Faith to Work

5 The apostles said to the Lord
“Add to us faith.”
6 Then said the Lord
“If mustard seed size is your faith
You could tell this sycamore tree
‘Be pulled up and set in the sea’
It would listen to you and heed”

7 “When a farmhand comes from the lea
From plowing or tending sheep
Does the boss say, ‘Come eat with me’?
8 When his job is a meal complete
No, he says, ‘Cook me up some meat
Then, serve me while I drink and eat.
Later on, you can take a seat.’

9 “And does the boss praise the hired hand
Who does just the least by command?
10 Of course not! In the same way
When you obey me you should say,
‘We’re unprofitable servants
[Undeserving and worthless]
Who’ve just done minimal service.’”

Luke 17:5-10

Homesick for Far Away

When I'm home in America
I surely miss Australia
Though the hills of Appalachia
Are covered in hydrangea
I miss the sound of the magpie
As he swoops down from up on high

When I'm home in Australia
I surely miss America
Though peace and safety here is great
And everybody is your mate
I miss the forests and farmlands
And the never ending grasslands