The New Testament Standard Of Piety: Or, Our Love Made Perfect |
Then he will divide us and take inventory
There's the sheep and the goats as to them Jesus quotes
In judgment a summary of their life's story
The sheep on his right and the goats on his left side
"Come, blessed of my Father," he said as he eyed
the sheep, "Please take what's yours and enter through those doors.
You are all very welcome so please come inside."
I was hungry and thirsty. You fed me gladly
A stranger in town but you really welcomed me
I was naked and sick but you helped me real quick
You visited me as a prison detainee
The Judgment of the Nations |
Eternal fire awaits those goats for their black heart
The thirsty and hungry, the naked and sickly
And to prisoners you had no love to impart
So what will be judged when we face God almighty
The way that we serve the least in society
For what we do for them, we also do for him
Loving our neighbor is acting with piety