A Loud Car

A loud car is a stupid car
A quiet car is best by far
Who cares about that senseless note
It sounds just awful; that's my vote

And air-brakes on your truck are mean
At two a. m. they're just obscene
When coming into our small town
Show some respect and quiet down

Two Disgusting Parties

Two disgusting parties refuse
To admit how much they abuse
A baby doesn't get to choose
And poor folks are the ones that lose

Two heartless parties rule this land
One kills children who were not planned
And one puts children in remand
O when will we all take a stand

Republican or Democrat
Two diff'rent names but the same rat
One squashes the poor like a gnat
One treats babies like a door mat

Two ruling parties without heart
Bought and paid for right from the start
Two parties, each a counterpart
Peddling lies to drive us apart

The Faith

The faith once for all delivered
Something to be reconsidered
Communion wine was not grape juice
Why not return to Jesus' use
He chose twelve men and not a mix
Why not return to Jesus' picks

The husband of one wife Paul said
But we want our own way instead
Divorcees in the pulpit now
How many would Paul disallow
And husband or wife we now say
For we no longer go God's way

How far to rewrite history
Continue with this tragedy
Now our church has moved to Sodom
Oh how quickly we've forgotten
From the Bible to Babylon
Away from the faith we've been drawn

Twisting Your Ankle

Twisting your ankle is no fun
I don't wish it on anyone
It's all because you tried to run
Or walk straight but your ankle spun

Careful, it can happen again
And there it goes that same old sprain
Your lack of caution was in vain
So give it time, just use your brain

It happened half a dozen times
Though at first I stayed in confines
Then disregarded all the signs
Be careful, listen to the chimes

The Church Hopper

The church hopper walks on your heart
Always looking for a fresh start
This temporary church member
Will leave as quickly as enter

He claims to love God, but hates us
That makes him a liar. Don't fuss!
It says so, first John four twenty
And that really tells us plenty

He points out our imperfections
Some of which are misconceptions
For church is not a sinless place
But space for sinners saved by grace

Lies, Delusion, Self-Deception

Lies, delusion, self-deception
If exposed they take exception
Perhaps they have no perception
That truth is the best direction

And living one huge fantasy
Is intellectual bankruptcy
But surely it's a malady
Of our entire society

We live a lie from morn 'til night
We're so afraid the truth might bite
And we don't want to see the light
Exposing lies is impolite

So we pretend our life is great
We really haven't gained much weight
That we won't die if we tailgate
And death won't come, it has to wait

Do politicians really lie
Do advertisers falsify
Do reporters deceive thereby
Do we live true or live a lie


Beware the words false prophets weave
Intended only to deceive
"Inclusion" means condoning sin
It's liberal-progressive spin
"Progressive" means that they've moved on
From the Bible to Babylon

"Called" just means they want the power
Without morals or willpower
"Love" means unnatural requests
Like Sodom wanted from Lot's guests
"Abuse" means that the truth we'll tell
We don't want you to go to hell