Evangelism at a Local Watering Hole

Near Samaria’s town Sychar
By Jacob’s well came a dipper
So Jesus asked her for a drink
She said, Jews avoid us I think

Jesus spoke of living water
You’ll never thirst again daughter
It’s water of eternal life
To five husbands you’ve been a wife

Sir, you are a prophet, she said
But you Jews say we are misled
We worshiped here on this mountain
Jews worship in Jerusalem

Worship the Father in Spirit
And truth is worship with merit
She said, Messiah is coming
Jesus said, “I am” is speaking

The woman told the townspeople
They came out to him quite peaceful
The disciples urged him to eat
His food was a work to complete

Many Samaritans believed
And as a guest He was received
They told the woman their neighbor
This man is really the Savior

John 4:5-42