
The Pharisees asked a question
Which command in your confession
Is the great command in the law
You shall love the Lord and what’s more
With all of your heart, soul and mind
The first and great command defined
The second’s from the same bookshelf
You’ll love your neighbor as yourself
Now, Jesus asked them thoughtfully
About the Christ, Whose Son is He?
David’s son, they said in accord
Then how does David call Him ‘Lord’

Paying Taxes

Pharisees plotted to trick Him
They went with the Herodians
Teacher, we know that You are true
And teach the way of God you do
And You don’t care about anyone
Nor regard the person of men
Tell us, therefore, what do You think?
Are taxes right or do they stink?
Jesus knew they were tricking Him
Called them hypocrites for their whim
Whose face on this denarius?
And whose inscription, let’s discuss?
So give to Caesar what is his
And give to God just what He says
And they marveled at what they heard
And went away without a word

God Invites Us

Jesus spoke in a parable
A celebration marital
A king arranged his son’s marriage
With and invitation message
But they were not willing to come
By farm and business overcome
Some even killed the messengers
The king destroyed those murderers
And said go into the highways
And fill the wedding hall with strays
But one guest wore no wedding clothes
When asked why, he could not disclose
Darkness outside to him bequeath
Where people weep and gnash their teeth
For many invited are called
But few are chosen and installed


A landowner planted some grapes
A tower, a hedge, what it takes
He leased it out and went far away
Then sent his servants for his pay
The tenants beat, killed, and stoned them
And in the end, he sent his son
But they cast him out and killed him
What will the owner do to them?
He’ll bring them to a wretched end
Find men who’ll pay his dividend
The stone the builders rejected
Is now the corner erected
The kingdom is taken from you
Given to those bringing fruits due
Fall on this stone and you’ll be crushed
If it falls on you, you’ll be dust
The chief priests and Pharisees knew
It was them He was speaking to
But though they sought His detention
They feared the people’s dissention