Let Down Your Nets

The crowd was pressing around Him, And listening to God's word on a whim
Standing by Lake Gennesaret, Saw two boats at the edge of it
And fishermen washing their nets, Into one of their boats He gets
Asked Simon to move out from shore, From there taught the people some more

Afterwards to Simon He said, Go where it's deep and your nets spread
Simon said, We've worked hard all night, But I'll do as you say alright
And their nets were near to breaking, For all the fish they were taking
So they signaled another boat, For help so they could stay afloat

And both of the boats were quite filled, Began sinking and they weren't thrilled
Simon Peter saw that and spoke, Leave Lord, I'm a sinful bloke
And so amazement did catch on, With Simon's partners James and John
Jesus said, Don't fear, you'll catch men, They forsook all and followed Him

Luke 5:1-11