Our Brave Firefighters they Will Dare

Firefighters: Their Lives in Their Own Words
Firefighters: Their Lives
My heroes aren't footballers ne'er
It's meaningless I do declare
My hero's not the public square
Where politicians spout hot air

My heroes aren't rock singers where
They dress in just their underwear
My heroes aren't men with long hair
No they don't justify a stare

HCSB The Firefighter's Bible
The Firefighter's Bible
My heroes aren't in movies where
They're just a bunch of fakes with flair
My hero's not a billionaire
He wants your money too beware

My heroes are not folks who swear
'Cause it takes guts to speak with care
My heroes are not debonair
They're just good folks who really care

My heroes save lives everywhere
Our brave firefighters they will dare
There's almost no one to compare
Like Jesus they are good and rare