Ban Everything I do Declare

The Nanny State
The Nanny State
No moonshine here no don't you dare
No poker at the pub no ne'er
No mobile phone while driving there
And in our schools there is no prayer

Ban everything I do declare
There's so much danger please beware
Ban eating there's a cancer scare
Ban driving 'cause there's death out there

Ban marriage 'cause a love affair
Might end up in divorce, despair
Ban children 'cause they are born bare
And they cost too much in day care

Strictly No!: How We're Being Overrun by the Nanny State
How We're Being Overrun
by the Nanny State
Ban breathing 'cause of the bad air
Ban speaking 'cause someone might swear
Ban politicians everywhere
And ban the book of common prayer

Ban alcohol — wait we've been there
This banning is so much hot air
A nanny state I do declare
Is so oppressive and unfair