Linguistic Prejudice

Benign Bigotry: The Psychology of Subtle Prejudice
Benign Bigotry
Linguistic prejudice is trite
It comes from some who think they're bright
It's bigotry, As we will see
From folks who are just impolite

An Englishman told me one night
A U. S. accent's just not right
'Twas his decree, It's just lazy
Just drawl and you can get it right

Lose Your Accent in 28 Days (CD-ROM for Windows, Audio CD, and Workbook)
Lose Your Accent in 28 Days
Americans told me one night
An English accent's just not right
No r's you see, It's just lazy
It sounds like baby talk a mite

Such comments really aren't so bright
In accents we should all delight
It's bigotry, That's what's lazy
Variety is what sounds right