Tax the Rich the Poor Folks Cry

Feudal America: Elements of the Middle Ages in Contemporary Society
Feudal America
The rich have the big piece of pie
And getting bigger by and by
Poor folks below, They have no dough
And the middle class starts to die

Some hoard billions while others cry
For justice but get no reply
Those with the dough, Don't want to know
As in their limos they drive by

TAX THE RICH Equality Dark T-Shirt by CafePress
Tax the Rich T-Shirt
They say the poor are just small fry
Too lazy to give life a try
They just don't know, Life on skid row
Is sometimes caused by those on high

Depend on us the rich folks cry
When things go bad who's the fall guy
Workers let go, What caused the blow
Dependency the rich reply

By Daniel Hannan: The New Road to Serfdom: A Letter of Warning to America
The New Road to Serfdom
Dishonest businesses belie
A cause of poverty — no lie
While rich folks glow, In a chateau
The poor without health care just die

So tax the rich the poor folks cry
On feudal lords we can't rely
Monopoly has had it's spree
It's time to redivide the pie