A Mozzie's Cozzie

ThermaCELL MR-G Olive Cordless Portable Mosquito Repellent Appliance
Mosquito Repellent Appliance
Mosquitoes flying all 'round me
A mozzie's picnic they decree
As they now buzz my ears with glee
While they prepare their biting spree

They are bad news we all agree
The mozzie is our enemy
Look here they come count one two three
My blood must be their cup of tea

Repel 100 1 oz Insect Repellent Pump Spray 100% DEET 402000
Repellent Pump Spray
The mozzie has no repartee
He is no friend of you or me
He thinks he is the licensee
Of all the skin that he can see

A swimming costume by the sea
Is called a cozzie that's the key
Nothing's smaller I guarantee
Than a mozzie's cozzie must be